Corrina Arnold
Soul Conversations
Are you feeling lost?
Can't move forward?
Purposeless, empty, alone?
Are you looking for deeper meaning?
Do you believe there must be something more?
Are stirrings deep inside calling you?
Are you becoming more aware that Spirit/God is more than what you were taught?
You don't have to do this alone . .
As a counsellor I want to honour you by addressing your whole being. Helping you to listen to the wisdom of your body, the thoughts in your mind, the feelings in your heart and your true quiet voice deep inside. We can’t move forward towards true transformative change by focussing on only one part of who you are. When we are in balance we have the ability to access a deeper part of ourselves. That deeper part can be called our inner wisdom, our soul, or ground of being, or Self. Whatever we choose to call this deeper Self, I believe this is the place where true healing and transformation happens.
If these words resonate with you, then perhaps I can assist you on your journey towards wholeness and finding that deeper inner wisdom.
"Knowing more about the soul and its mysteries you could free yourself from the fascination which makes you suffer."
Carl Jung - Depth Psychology

About Me
We are Whole - Body - Mind - Heart - Soul
I bring into my work as a therapist an interesting mix of training and life experience. I began my educational journey in Bible College and Seminary and received my first masters in Biblical Counselling in 1986. Then life took me on a 14-year sabbatical and there I faced some difficult life experiences - an abusive relationship, an addict, divorce, welfare and single parenting. Working through these experiences taught me first-hand what transformation can be about.
The term wounded healer felt very applicable as I completed my second Masters at Trinity Western University in Clinical Counselling in 2000. Since that time I’ve worked in non-profit, private practice, taught in the Counselling Psychology department and supervised masters level students. I’ve spent many hours helping people find that inner voice of wisdom inside themselves, whether they were healing from abuse, trauma, anxiety, depression or the many other struggles that came through the door.
As I move into the later stages of life, I find myself slowing down and being more contemplative. In this thoughtful space I offer Spiritual Direction/Companionship, and soul care circles. I am also serving as an Associate Director and Faculty for the Soul Care Spiritual Direction Training Program. In this work I weave contemplative spirituality, shadow work, enneagram and dreamwork into what I already offer as a therapist.

Soul Conversations
What do soul conversations have to do with clinical counselling?
Soul (sol) noun : the spiritual or immaterial essence/part, animating principal of a human being, regarded as immortal. A persons moral or emotional nature or sense of identity.
So many of us lose connection with this deeper part of self. This often begins to happen in our childhood, we start off freer to create, play, imagine and to dream. I’m sure we’ve all watched children play in mud puddles, or marvel over a rainbow or a snowflake. Then through what Carl Rogers calls 'conditions of worth', we begin to put this part of ourselves away - put on a mask to be accepted, to be seen as worthy, smart. Carl Jung talks about this shift in consciousness as allowing ego to have more of the control in our life. Richard Schwartz in Internal Family Systems speaks of different parts being more active (trying to protect us from rejection/harm) instead of the Self being in the lead. Whatever the psychological/spiritual theory behind this idea, the goal is to get us back to that deeper part of ourself that we once were, and are in our essence or essential nature.
We are all unique beings and that is what makes us all human. Society and religion has tried to conform us into the same mould to be acceptable in their world. But our uniqueness is something to be celebrated and that deep part of our Self is calling us to be ourselves, uniquely ourselves. Quaker theologian Parker Palmer wrote Let Your Life Speak, what he is saying in this book is to let that inner spark tell you what brings you aliveness, listen to those inner stirrings and they will guide you to the life direction that is uniquely right for you.
My hope is that you will come to therapy to find deeper internal meaning, not external answers. I see my role as helping you to begin to find and listen to your inner guide. To loosen the conditions of worth that were put on you as you grew up, so you can become more and more your true authentic Self.

Rainer Maria Rilke,
Letters to a Young Poet
“Be patient toward all that is unresolved in your heart. Try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answers.”